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Sisterhood of the world of bloggers award

Hello my lovely friends,
recently during a kik conversation with myself and 11 other blogger friends (honestly all we talk about is makeup, fashion, life and other random things) we were talking about these awards and i realized that my friend Rebekka nominated me (thanks for that by the way). So here I am participating in

*cues the applause* 
I hope by me doing this you guys will learn more about me and if you are starting out blogging I hope it gives you inspiration and motivation to continue.
 The rules:
1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 10 questions your nominator has provided
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees and notify them on their nomination

Rebekka's questions
1. If you had to wear one lipstick and one blush for the rest of your life, what would they be?
-Seriously bekka is this a trick question? I would have to go with a Maybelline vivids lipstick 865( fuchsia flash). I don't really wear blush a lot but I'll say the Maybelline Fit Me ( I don't own it but I'm going to give it a try).

2. Who is your biggest blogging inspiration?
-My biggest blogging inspiration is a toss up between Zoella, Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman (random I know).

3.What would be your dream holiday- location, people,activities.. whatever!
-I would love to go to London (maybe Brighton) with my friend Isela and go sight-seeing do a little shopping and meet Tanya and Zoe.

4.What type of blog posts do you enjoy to read the most? And what kind of posts do you like to write yourself the most?
-Mostly I read fashion and beauty while I believe I write more about beauty fashion and other random things but I'm trying to get into lifestyle more.

5. Recommend 5 smaller blogs for me to read that you really love! Hopefully ones I won't have heard of!
-I don't really know any sorry 

6.If you had to choose one song to be the soundtrack to your life forever, what would you pick?
- At the moment I would probably pick Beep by The Pussycat Dolls, but for in general it would probably be Foxy Lady by Jimi Hendrix

7. What makes you unique?
-Probably the fact that I blog and make youtube videos. It doesn't seem like a big deal now because everyone kind of does that now  but with my friends and family it's not really that common. (that's the best I have).

8.What would be your ideal job?
-I would love to work for Cosmo or any big magazine and make my way up to Editor-in-Chief .

9. What's one thing everyone else seems to love but you're not particularly fond of?
-Well in Texas, a lot of people love to hunt and I'm the type of person who would rather try to cuddle with the animal instead of kill it.

10. What's the best book you've ever read?
-Probably the Divergent series

As you can see by the rules I am suppose to nominate 10 blogger... here's the problem with that I don't know 10 bloggers so I want to nominate you if you have a blog and would like to be apart of the awards.

My Question 
1.What is one thing in life that makes you happy and helps forget about all of the bad things?
2.Name 3 beauty products you can't live without?
3. Who is your current celebrity crush?
4.Who is your favorite blogger?
5.Why did you start your blog?
6. If you could hang out with anyone from High School Musical who would it be?
7. If you could go back to any time period which would it be and why?
8. what is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
9. Who is your inspiration in life?
10. If you one 1 million dollars how would you spend it?



  1. I love awards like this! The blogging community gets together and celebrates! x lovely post x
